Traditional Ingredients

Created intentionally


Improving your experience with the highest quality ingredients

No fillers, additives, or synthetic fragrances

Most incense sold today are made of cheap and poor quality ingredients. There is no regulation over the incense trade. This also means there is no required testing to ensure that artificial ingredients, which are commonly added, are safe to breathe, especially indoors. This is a primary reason that Incense Witch was started. Our incense only use herbs, resins, and woods that have been burned for thousands of years. We believe that’s how incense is meant to be enjoyed.

dedication to quality of farming

We understand that we reap what we sow. Wherever available, we choose USDA Organic to minimize the pesticides and herbicides getting into our plants, soil, and water. While some ingredients don’t have enough demand or competition for farms to pursue Organic certifications, we do our best to ensure their values align with ours. We also prioritize working with local, small farms for ingredients that can be grown in Utah and the United States.

At our core

Founded on the pillars of sustainabiility

Sustainability is a big buzzword recently. We won’t just say we are sustainable, we want to back it up.

There are three foundational pillars, which are ecological, social, and economic sustainability. For a business to truly be sustainable, all three areas must be considered.


In respect for our impact on ecosystems around the world, Incense Witch is committed to not using any tree or plant species that is endangered or illegally harvested. This is why you will not see ingredients like Frankincense in our recipes. While it is a sacred ingredient, if drastic conservation actions aren't taken, the Boswellia (Frankincense) tree population could decrease by 90% in the next 50 years due to overharvesting and lack of young trees. Until their population is stable, we cannot with a sound heart offer them in our products.


Many mass produced incense cause headaches, irritates people’s lungs, or leaves an overall unpleasant smell. By only using high quality, traditional ingredients, we have heard from customers who nearly gave up on the practice, that they can burn our incense without any issues.

Additionally, out of respect for our impact to indigenous communities, we have chosen to direct our customers to indigenous owned businesses for items like sweetgrass and white sage.


As a business we balance charging enough that we are able to keep our business running, make the highest quality product, and keep our pricing affordable to the average person. Our prices are higher than most incense, but there is careful consideration to ensure that we can continue doing the work we do while you get an incredible product.

10% of our net profits are donated to nonprofits to protect and rehabilitate ecosystems that are home to endangered incense species.

“it’s easy to make a buck.

It’s a lot harder to make a difference.”

Tom Brokaw

MEET Our Founder

This is my Ikigai.

I believe plants, trees, and fungi have incredible abilities to nourish, heal, and ground us. In some of my darkest moments in life, spending time in the forest beside a river gave me hope that life could feel gentle and nurturing. I felt safe, seen, and connected in a way that I had never experienced before. It gave me the belief that there was more beauty in this world than I understood. Looking back, it makes me want to cry because beauty is what I found.

I think our world is magic, radiant, and healing. Because nature gave me purpose in my life, I dedicated my education and work to studying our impact on ecosystems and how to create a healthier relationship between humans and Earth. Incense Witch is my experiment to make a difference in this world and I’m excited to play.

- Stephanie